Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pick a Hybrid or Lean-Burn Vehicle

If you are planning to purchase a new automobile before the end of the year, it might be appropriate to purchase either a hybrid or lean-burn vehicle. Credits for these types of vehicles range from $900 to $2,350. However, this credit has phased out for most manufacturers and is currently available only on qualified vehicles manufactured by General Motors, Chrysler, Nissan, Mazda, BMW, and Mercedes for hybrid vehicles, and by Volkswagen, Audi, and Mercedes for qualifying lean-burn vehicles.

This credit is a non-refundable personal credit, which means it can reduce your tax only to zero, and any balance is lost. However, if the vehicle is used partially for business, the portion of the credit attributable to business use becomes a general business credit, and any amount not used in 2010 carries back one year and forward for 20 years until used up.


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